Kate Palmer
Project Title: A Microsimulation Approach to Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Air Pollution of the Future Fleet in UK Cities
Kate’s research focuses on transport demand management measures which can be introduced in London and Leeds to reduce climate change gas emissions and improve air quality over the next twenty years. Her research includes scenario modelling of the future vehicle fleet as technologies mature and uptake of alternatively fuelled vehicles and intelligent transport systems increase. Using microsimulation road traffic models, different scenarios will be modelled for different transport demand management measures to assess the effective of the proposed system.
Kate graduated in 2012 with a BSc in Mathematics from The University of Manchester. Kate completed an internship with Schlumberger Oil field services and spent two months working in Serbia for the British council. After working for a year in Belfast as a tutor, Kate joined the 5th DTC intake. Kate is passionate about sustainable and international development and also volunteers for Oxfam as a campaigner and fundraiser. In her spare time Kate likes to go walking, go climbing, do yoga, and play her violin. Kate is the secretary of Leeds Energy Society.
Find Kate on twitter: @LowCarbon_KateP