Student Publications
2009 Cohort | The Influence of Traffic Conditions on Primary NO2Tailpipe Emissions and Road-Side Pollutant Concentrations |
Katrina Adam, Victoria Hoolohan and James Gooding | Katrina Adam, Victoria Hoolohan, James Gooding, Thomas Knowland, Catherine S.E. Bale, Alison S. Tomlin, Methodologies for city-scale assessment of renewable energy generation potential to inform strategic energy infrastructure investment, Volume 54, May 2016, Pages 45–56, Cities, Energy and Climate Change Mitigation doi:10.1016/j.cities.2015.10.015 |
Robert Bloom | BLOOM, R, N HONDOW, V DUPONT, S J MILNE. 2017. Preparation and characterisation of novel nickel/cobalt oxygen carriers for chemical looping reforming using a polycrystalline alumina/silica support. Applied Catalysis B (In Press) |
Gemma Brady | A Case Study and Critical Assessment in Calculating Power Usage Effectiveness for a Data Centre (In Press) |
Jamie Bright | J.M Bright, O. Babacan, J. Kleissl, P.G. Taylor and R. Crook, A synthetic, spatially decorrelating solar irradiance generator and application to a LV grid model with high PV penetration, Solar Energy, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2017.03.018 |
Jamie Bright and Chris Smith |
J.M. Bright, C.J. Smith, P.G. Taylor and R. Crook, Stochastic generation of synthetic minutely irradiance time series derived from mean hourly weather observation data, Solar Energy, Volume 115, May 2015, Pages 229-242
C.J. Smith, J.M. Bright, and R. Crook, Cloud cover effect of clear-sky index distributions and differences between human and automatic cloud observations, Solar Energy (In press) |
Ruth Bush and David Jacques |
Bush, R., Jacques, D. A., Scott, K., & Barrett, J. 2014. The carbon payback of micro-generation: An integrated hybrid input–output approach. Applied Energy, 119, 85-98 |
Ramzi Cherad |
Cherad, R., Onwudili, J.A., Ekpo, U., Williams, P.T., Lea-Langton, A. R., Carmargo-Valero, M. and Ross, A.B. (2013). Macroalgae supercritical water gasification combined with nutrient recycling for microalgae cultivation. Environ. Prog. Sustainable Energy. doi:10.1002/ep.11814 (2013) Cherad, R., J. A. Onwudili, P. T. Williams, A. B. Ross. 2014. A parametric study on supercritical water gasification of Laminaria hyperborea: A carbohydrate-rich macroalga, Bioresource Technology, 169, 573-580 |
Josh Cottom | EL-KHOURY, P.Z., P. ABELLAN, Y. GONG, F.S. HAGE, J. COTTOM, A.G. JOLY, R. BRYDSON, Q.M. RAMASSE and W.P. HESS. Visualizing surface plasmons with photons, photoelectrons, and electrons. Analyst, 2016, 141(12), pp.3562-3572. |
Lloyd Davies | Radcliffe, J., Taylor, P., Davies, L., Blyth, W. and Barbour, E., 2014. Energy storage in the UK and Korea: innovation, investment and co-operation. Centre for Low Carbon Futures. |
Lloyd Davies and Ray Edmunds |
Edmunds, R., Davies, L., Deane, P. and Pourkashanian, M., 2015, Thermal power plant operating regimes in future British power systems with increasing variable renewable penetration. Energy Conversion and Management, 105(15), pp. 977–985. |
Ben Dooley |
Jones, J. M., Saddawi, A., Dooley, B., Mitchell, E. J. S., Werner, J., Waldron, D. J., Weatherstone, S. & Williams, A. (2015). Low temperature ignition of biomass. Fuel Processing Technology, 134, 372-377. McNamee, P., Adams, P.W.R., McManus, M.C., Dooley, B., Darvell, L.I., Williams, A. & Jones, J.M. (2016) An assessment of the torrefaction of North American pine and life cycle greenhouse gas emissions. Energy Conversion and Management, 113, 177-188 Barton, J., Davies, L., Dooley, B., Foxon, T.J., Galloway, S., Hammond G.P., O’Grady, A., Robertson, E., & Thompson, M. Transition pathways for a UK low carbon electricity system: Comparing scenarios and technology implications. Working Paper 2013 |
Ray Edmunds | R.K. Edmunds, T.T. Cockerill, T.J. Foxon, D.B. Ingham, M. Pourkashanian, Technical benefits of energy storage and electricity interconnections in future British power systems, Volume 70, 1 June 2014, Pages 577–587 |
Holly Edwards | Edwards, H., Dixon-Hardy, D. Wadud, Z. 2015. Optimisation of Aircraft Cost Indices to Reduce Fuel Use. Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, January 18-22 2014, Washington D.C..
Edwards, H. Dixon-Hardy, D., Wadud, Z. 2014. High-Speed Rail in the UK: Air-Rail Partnerships for Carbon Curtailment? Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, January 12-16, 2014, Washington D.C. Edwards, H. 2013. Rail Revolution or Carbon Creator? Assessing the potential for high speed rail to replace domestic flights worldwide. World Resources Forum, September 7-9 2013, Davos, Switzerland. Greg Marsden, Peter Atkinson, Julian Burkinshaw, Holly Edwards, Ian Jones, Karen Lucas, Giulio Mattioli, Janine Morley, Kate Palmer, Louise Reardon, Zia Wadud, Tony Whiteing, Magda Cepeda. 2015. World is Changing, Does Transport Follow? New Trends in Transport Demand and Related Impact on Transport Systems and Patterns. Report to European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism Contract IP/B/TRANÍC/2015-052 Edwards, H. Dixon-Hardy. D., Wadud, Z. 2014. Cost Index and Carbon Reductions in Aviation. Applied Energy (Accepted with revisions) |
Holly Edwards, Clare Linton and Richard Riley |
Edwards, H., Linton, C., Riley, R., Smith, C., Tate, J. 2012. Emission trends in the UK passenger car fleet: a policy perspective, TAP-2012, 26-27 November 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Harriet Fletcher | Fletcher, H.R., Biller, P., Ross, A.B. and Adams, J.M.M, (In Review), The Seasonal Variation of Fucoidan within three Species of Brown Macroalgae, Algal ResearchFletcher, H.R., Biller, P., Ross, A.B., Bogaerts,D., Winters, A.L and Adams, J.M.M., (In Review), The Seasonal Variation in Chemical Content of 1 Prevalent Fucoids Common to the UK, The Journal of Applied Phychology
Fletcher, H.R., Ross, A.B., Biller, P., (2016), The seasonal variation of fucoidan from 3 species of brown macroalgae, International Seaweed Symposium 2016, 19-24 June, Copenhagen, Denmark. Fletcher, H.R., Ross, A.B., Biller, P., (2016), The Seasonal Variation of Fucoidan from 3 Species of Brown Macroalgae, European Biomass Conference and Expedition (EUBCE), 6-9 June, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Fletcher, H., Hou, X., Bjerre, A. and Ross, A., (2014), The Extraction and Quantification of Fucoidan from Brown Macroalgae, Nordic Seaweed Conference, 7-8 October, Aarhus, Denmark. Fletcher, H.R., Ross, A.B., Biller, P, (2014), Hydrothermal Microwave Extraction of High Value Chemicals from Brown Macroalgae, Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB), 16-19 June, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. |
Jannik Giesekam |
Wiedmann, T., Crawford, R., Seo, S. and Giesekam, J. (2013) The Industrial Ecology Virtual Laboratory and its application to sustainability and environmental engineering - the case of low carbon living. Sustainable Engineering Society (SEng) 2013 Conference 18-20 September 2013 National Convention Centre, ACT, Australia. Giesekam J, Barrett J, Taylor P (2016)Scenario analysis of embodied greenhouse gas emissions in UK construction, Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability Construction sector views on low carbon building materials. Building Research & Information [online], 2015, pp.1–23. Available from: Available open access: here |
James Gooding | Gooding J., Tomlin A.S., Crook R. (2015) ‘Modelling of roof geometries from low-resolution LiDAR data for city-scale solar energy applications using a neighbouring buildings method’, Applied Energy, 148, Pages 93–104, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.03.013Gooding J. 2015 ‘Solar Resource Estimation using an Integrated Radiance Model with LiDAR Defined Geometries and Shading’, PV SAT 11, April 2015, University of Leeds |
Gooding J, Edwards H, Giesekam J, Crook R (2013) Solar City Indicator: A Methodology to Predict City Level PV Installed Capacity by Combining Physical Capacity and Socio-economic Factors, Solar Energy, Volume 95, September 2013, Pages 325-335. |
Edwards H, Giesekam J, Gooding J, Hardy P, Crook R (2012) Solar City Indicator: A methodology and ranking of the potential for PV in UK cities, 8th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference Proceedings, Published by the Solar Energy Society. |
Philippa Hardy | Awareness and Perception of PV Technology, Incentives, and Adoption Barriers in India (In Press) |
The influence of Traffic Conditions on Primary NO2 Tailpipe Emissions and Road-Side Pollutant Concentrations, TAP18, Dübendorf, Switzerland |
Gillian Harrison |
Thomopolous, N & G. Harrison. In Print. An ethical assessment of low carbon vehicles using Cost-Benefit Analysis. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management. Harrison, G & Shepherd, S. 2013. An interdisciplinary study to explore impacts from policies for the introduction of low carbon vehicles. Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology. 37 (1), pp.98-117. DOI:10.1080/03081060.2013.844904 Shepherd, S., Bonsall, P. & Harrison, G. 2012. Factors affecting future demand for electric vehicles: A model based study. Transport Policy. 20 (March 2012), pp.62-74. DOI:10.1016/j.tranpol.2011.12.006. |
David Jacques |
Inter-provincial clean development mechanism in China: A case study of the solar PV sector (In Press) |
David Jacques, |
Methodology for the assessment of PV capacity over a city region using low-resolution LiDAR data and application to the City of Leeds (UK), Applied Energy, Volume 124, Pages 28-34 |
Microgeneration in new homes: transition opportunity or transitory non-starter? International Sustainability Transitions, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark Solar Radiation Management - the Governance of Research Two Royal Society reports: People and the Planet (2012) and Solar Radiation Management: the Governance of Research (2011) (Acknowledged) |
Ross Jarrett |
Hadavi, S. A., Li, H., Przybyla, G., Jarrett, R., & Andrews, G. (2012). Comparison of gaseous emissions for B100 and diesel fuels for real world urban and extra urban driving. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 5(2012-01-1674), 1132-1154. Jarrett, R., Kanda, H., Harano, N., Noguchi, T., Crook, R., & Ito, S. (2015). Evidence of plasmonic effects in random orientation silver nanowire meshes on silicon. Solar Energy, 116, 257-264. Jarrett, R., & Crook, R. (2015). Silver nanowire purification and separation by size and shape using multi-pass filtration. Materials Research Innovations, 1433075X15Y-0000000016. |
Zarashpe Kapadia | Kapadia, Z. Z., Spracklen, D. V., Arnold, S. R., Borman, D. J., Mann, G. W., Pringle, K. J., Monks, S. A., Reddington, C. L., Benduhn, F., Rap, A., Scott, C. E., Butt, E. W., and Yoshioka, M.: Impacts of aviation fuel sulfur content on climate and human health, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 15, 18921-18961, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-18921-2015, 2015. |
Clare Linton | C. Linton, S. Grant-Muller, W. Gale, Approaches and Techniques for Modelling CO2 Emissions from Road Transport, Transport Reviews, Volume 35, Issue 4, Taylor & Francis Online, 2015, pages 533-553.C. Linton, S. Grant-Muller, W. Gale, The Effective Use Of Excess Capacity For Low Carbon Urban Transport Futures, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, The Sustainable City IX (2 Volume Set), 2014. |
Paula Mcnamee | McNamee, P., Adams, P.W.R., McManus, M.C., Dooley, B., Darvell, L.I., Williams, A. & Jones, J.M. (2016) An assessment of the torrefaction of North American pine and life cycle greenhouse gas emissions. Energy Conversion and Management, 113, 177-188
P. McNamee, et al., The combustion characteristics of high-heating-rate chars from untreated and torrefied biomass fuels, Biomass and Bioenergy (2015) |
Eddy Mitchell | Jones, J. M., Saddawi, A., Dooley, B., Mitchell, E. J. S., Werner, J., Waldron, D. J., Weatherstone, S. & Williams, A. (2015). Low temperature ignition of biomass. Fuel Processing Technology, 134, 372-377.E. W. Butt, A. Rap, A. Schmidt, C.E. Scott, K.J. Pringle, C.L. Reddington, N.A.D. Richards, M.T. Woodhouse, J. Ramirez-Villegas, H. Yang, V. Vakkari, E.A. Stone, M. Rupakheti, P.S. Praveen, P. Beukes, M. Josipovic, P. Van Zyl, E.J.S. Mitchell, S. Sallu, P.M. Forster, and D.V. Spracklen. (2015) The impact of emissions from residential combustion on atmospheric aerosol, human health and climate. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 873-905.
E.J.S. Mitchell., A. Williams, A.R. Lea-Langton, J.M. Jones., R. Johnson, P. Layden. (2015). The Impact of Fuel Properties on the Emissions from the Combustion of Biomass and other Solid Fuels in a Fixed Bed Domestic Stove. Fuel Processing Technology 142, 115-123. D. Phillips, E.J.S. Mitchell, K. Parmar, A. R. Lea-Langton, A. Williams. (2016). The use of conservation biomass feedstocks as potential bioenergy resources in the United Kingdom. Bioresource Technology, 212, 271-279. F.A. Atiku, E.J.S. Mitchell, A.R. Lea-Langton, J.M. Jones, A. Williams, K.D. Bartle. (2016). The Impact of Fuel Properties on the Composition of Soot Produced by the Combustion of Residential Solid Fuels in a Domestic Stove. Fuel Processing Technology, 151, 117-125. B. Gudka, J.M. Jones, A.R. Lea-Langton, A. Williams, G. Stammers, E.J.S. Mitchell, G. Finnerty. J. Oladipo and J. Gane. Studies into the Kinetics of Washing Biomass. Bioresource Technology [in prep] E.J.S. Mitchell, G. Coulson, E. Butt, P.M. Forster, J M. Jones, A.R. Lea-Langton, A. Williams. Heating with Biomass in the UK: Lessons from New Zealand. Atmospheric Environment [in prep] G. Coulson, I. Longley., E. Somervell, G. Olivares, S. Gray, E.J.S. Mitchell. (2016). Ten years of woodburner research in New Zealand: A review. Air Quality and Climate Change [in prep] E.J.S. Mitchell, G. Coulson, E.W. Butt, P.M. Forster, J.M. Jones, A. Williams, Heating with Biomass in the United Kingdom: Lessons from New Zealand, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 152, March 2017, Pages 431–454 |
Douglas Phillips | D. Phillips, E.J.S. Mitchell, K. Parmar, A. R. Lea-Langton, A. Williams. (2016). The use of conservation biomass feedstocks as potential bioenergy resources in the United Kingdom. Bioresource Technology, 212, 271-279. |
Sam Pickard | S.C. Pickard, S.S. Daood, M. Pourkashanian, W. Nimmo, Co-firing coal with biomass in oxygen- and carbon dioxide-enriched atmospheres for CCS applications, Fuel, Volume 137, 1 December 2014, Pages 185-192, ISSN 0016-2361, ( S. Pickard, S.S. Daood, M. Pourkashanian, W. Nimmo, Reactivity during bench-scale combustion of biomass fuels for carbon capture and storage applications, Fuel, Volume 134, 15 October 2014, Pages 171-179, ISSN 0016-2361, S. Pickard, S.S. Daood, W. Nimmo, R. Lord, M. Pourkashanian, Bio-CCS: Co-firing of Established Greenfield and Novel, Brownfield Biomass Resources under Air, Oxygen-enriched Air and Oxy-fuel Conditions, Energy Procedia, Volume 37, 2013, Pages 6062-6069, ISSN 1876-6102, S. Pickard, T.J. Foxon, The State of Development of the UK CCS Industry: An Expert Questionnaire and Systems-based Approach, Energy Procedia, Volume 37, 2013, Pages 7613-7621, ISSN 1876-6102, Robust Extension of the Coats–Redfern Technique: Reviewing Rapid and Realiable Reactivity Analysis of Complex Fuels Decomposing in Inert and Oxidizing Thermogravimetric Analysis Atmospheres, S. Pickard, S. S. Daood, M. Pourkashanian, and W. Nimmo, Energy & Fuels 2013 27 (5), 2818-2826 |
Aidan Smith | Rimmer, D.L. and Smith A.M. (2009), Antioxidants in Soil Organic Matter and Associated Plant Materials European Journal of Soil Science Volume 60, 170-175
Smith A.M., Singh S. and Ross A.B. (2016), Fate of inorganic material during hydrothermal carbonisation of biomass: influence of feedstock on combustion behaviour of hydrochar Fuel Volume 169, 135-145 Smith A.M. and Ross A.B. (2016) Production of bio-coal, bio-methane and fertilizer from seaweed vial hydrothermal carbonisation Algal Research Volume 16, 1-11 |
Christopher Smith | Chris Smith, Piers Forster, Rolf Crook: Global analysis of photovoltaic energy output enhanced by phase change material cooling, Applied Energy 126 (2014) 21-28 |
Morgan Tatchell-Evans | Morgan Tatchell-Evans, Nik Kapur, Jonathan Summers, Harvey Thompson, Dan Oldham, An experimental and theoretical investigation of the extent of bypass air within data centres employing aisle containment, and its impact on power consumption, Science Direct (2016) |
Philippa Usher |
Usher, P., Lea-Langton, A., Camargo-Valero, M. A., Gale, W. F., & Ross, A. (2014). Integrating microalgae into the Brazilian program for biodiesel production and use. Biofuels, 5(1), 45–52 Usher, P. K., Ross, A. B., Camargo-Valero, M. A., Tomlin, A. S., & Gale, W. F. (2014). An Overview of the Potential Environmental Impacts of Large Scale Microalgae Cultivation. Biofuels 5(3) 331-349 |
Shemaiah Weekes |
SM Weekes, AS Tomlin, SB Vosper, AK Skea, ML Gallani, JJ Standen, Long-term wind resource assessment for small and medium-scale turbines using operational forecast data and measure–correlate–predict, Renewable Energy 81, 760-769 SM Weekes, AS Tomlin, Comparison between the bivariate Weibull probability approach and linear regression for assessment of the long-term wind energy resource using MCP, Renewable Energy 68, 529-539 SM Weekes, AS Tomlin, Low-cost wind resource assessment for small-scale turbine installations using site pre-screening and short-term wind measurements, IET Renewable Power Generation 8 (4), 348-358 SM Weekes, AS Tomlin, Data efficient measure-correlate-predict approaches to wind resource assessment for small-scale wind energy, Renewable Energy 63, 162-171 SM Weekes, AS Tomlin, Evaluation of a semi-empirical model for predicting the wind energy resource relevant to small-scale wind turbines, Renewable energy 50, 280-288 SM Weekes, AS Tomlin, Comparison of low-cost wind resource assessment tools for small-scale wind energy installations, Proceedings of EWEA Annual Conference 6, 7 |
Jayne Windeatt | Characteristics of biochars from crop residues: potential for carbon sequestration and soil amendment, Journal of Environmental Management (In Press) |
Jayne Windeatt, |
Real World Cold Start Emissions from a Diesel Vehicle |
David Wyatt | WYATT, D.W., H. LI & J.E. TATE 2014, The impact of road grade on carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of a passenger vehicle in real-world driving, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 32, October 2014, Pages 160-170, ISSN 1361-9209 |