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Stephen Chilton

Project Title: Coal CCS vs. Biomass CCS and the Implications to System Corrosion and Fouling


I graduated from Leeds University in 2012 with a BEng and MEng in Energy & Environmental Engineering. My main focus during the MEng project was biomass modelling and the simulation of different pyrolysis scenarios in order to develop a reliable model.

My Research

My research focuses on a number of areas but with the central focus of utilising lower grade fuels for power generation and the issues that this may cause to the equipment within the system.

My primary focus is on evaluating the effect of different biomasses and low grade coals on fluidised bed combustors. This work is investigating the agglomeration propensity of the fuels within a sand bed. The emissions and pressure changes in the system are also measured to analyse the effect on the overall system. Bed, fly ash and particulate matter are collected for further investigation.

As well as agglomeration, corrosion is a serious combustion issue being investigated with the different fuels. As part of a number of collaboration projects with both academia and industry corrosion is being looked at lab scale, pilot scale and full industrial scale.

Secondary work is focusing on the fuel analysis and development of an XRF program capable of accurately measuring biomass samples. This detailed fuel analysis coupled with FACTSAGE modelling further develops the primary research work.

The overall aim of the investigation is to advance fluidised bed combustion technology and develop close understanding from lab scale to full implementation.